
Hooray! I am now in Antigua!

Ja ja~! 

Amazingly after a long torture of 16-hours flight, I am finally in Antigua Guatemala now!

I get a computer in my dorm of Spanish language school

But since it has not been installed eastern languages system, so I can't type in Chinese now :(

I met four girls from Holland. Three of them speak excellent Spanish (and they said they had only learnt Spanish in the language school for 3 weeks!)

While I was to take a photo for them, one said my DC looked like a very good camera

Then another said since I am from Taiwan, it must be a very good camera XD

So proud!

Looking forwards the rest of my backpackng voyage!


Kane Yen said...


Neifion said...


( 這台電腦有安裝東亞語言輸入法,所以突然可以打中文,不過電腦好慢

= =...... 有一好沒二好 )