
New Fossil Find in New Mexico Named After Artist Georgia O'Keeffe

New Fossil Find in New Mexico Named After Artist Georgia O'Keeffe

Sketch courtesy of Sterling Nesbitt.

Two leading paleontologists from the American Museum of Natural History and who are affiliated with Columbia University have discovered the fossil of a toothless crocodile relative that looks like a six-foot-long, two-legged dinosaur, but is actually a distant cousin of today's alligators and crocodiles.

The new finding is described in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B by Sterling J. Nesbitt, a graduate student enrolled at Columbia University who studies at the American Museum of Natural History and also is affiliated with the Columbia's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, and Mark A. Norell, Curator in the Museum's Division of Paleontology, who is also an adjunct professor of earth and environmental sciences at Columbia.

They have have named the fossil Effigia okeeffeae奧氏靈鱷,暫譯〉.

Effigia means "ghost," referring to the decades that the fossil remained hidden from science. The species name, okeeffeae, honors the artist Georgia O'Keeffe, who lived near the site in northern New Mexico where the fossil was found.

Scientists say Effigia is a striking example of "convergence,"〈趨同演化〉 when two lineages evolve the same body plan.

"It is astounding to see so many advanced dinosaur features in an animal so closely related to modern crocodiles, Norell said. Obviously, this group of crocodiles and dinosaurs must have had similar habitats and probably fed in the same way, accounting for the similarities of the limbs and skull."

Other examples of convergence include marsupial mammals related to kangaroos and opossums that evolved into creatures resembling lions and wolves.

The features of Effigia okeeffeae also were unexpected. "It has large eyes, a beak, it walked on two feet and had small hands," Nesbitt said.


Ancient crocodile ancestor stood on two legs

New York Times

Posted: Jan. 29, 2006

New York - Scientists at the American Museum of Natural History have discovered a fossil in New Mexico that they believe came from a 6-foot-long, two-legged dinosaur along the lines of a tyrannosaur or a velociraptor. But it is actually an ancient relative of today's alligators and crocodiles.

The discovery is a striking example of how different animals can evolve the same kind of body over and over again.

For almost 60 years, the 210-million-year-old fossil has been hiding in plain sight. It was lodged in a slab of rock dug up in 1947 in New Mexico by a team led by Edward Colbert, a paleontologist at the natural history museum.

The site is known for hundreds of fossils that kept Colbert busy for decades, and he left several slabs sitting unopened at the museum.

"We always collect more than we can study," said Mark Norell, the museum's current chairman of paleontology.

Last year, a graduate student, Sterling Nesbitt, began to open the slabs. The bones he found did not belong to a dinosaur; they showed distinctive features found only in crocodilians. That alone made the discovery exciting, because it represented one of the oldest crocodile-like fossils ever discovered. But it eventually became clear that the fossil was unlike any crocodile-like species ever found.

The reptile stood on its hind legs, keeping its tail erect. Its arms were tiny, its neck long, its eyes huge. It was toothless, and its jaws were covered in hard tissue, like a bird's beak. Although the fossil was more closely related to alligators and crocodiles, it resembled a group of dinosaurs that evolved 80 million years later.

Nesbitt and Norell named the fossil Effigia okeeffeae. It is an example of what biologists call convergence, when two lineages evolve the same body plan. Other examples of convergence include marsupial mammals related to kangaroos and opossums that evolved into creatures resembling lions and wolves.

Nesbitt and Norell have re-examined isolated bones claimed to be from dinosaurs of the same age and have concluded that they were actually relatives of crocodiles.

This diversity began to disappear about 200 million years ago.

The extinction of Effigia and other crocodile relatives may have allowed dinosaurs to take over their ecological roles.

本文出自:JS Online



Scientists Discover First Swimming Mammal From The Jurassic

Source: Carnegie Museum Of Natural History

Posted: February 24, 2006

Scientists Discover First Swimming Mammal From The Jurassic

A team of international researchers have discovered a new species of primitive mammal capable of swimming in the Middle Jurassic lake beds of China.

Castorocauda lutrasimilis〈獺形狸尾獸〉 life reconstruction. This art has been selected for the cover of the February 24, 2006 issue of Science Magazine. The artwork of the reconstructed animal is 50% of actual fossil size. (Illustration: Mark A. Klingler/CMNH)

In a cover article published in Science, the team of researchers from Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Nanjing University, and Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences describe a fossilized skeleton of Castorocauda lutrasimilis ([Castoro] - Latin for beaver, [cauda] - Latin for tail, [lutra] -Latin river otter] and [similis] - Latin for similarity). Castorocauda had a beaver-like tail, strong arms for digging, and sharp teeth specialized for aquatic feeding, similar to the modern river otter.

Castorocauda is a new taxon of docodonts, an extinct mammal group that existed from the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. But this Mesozoic group has no modern descendants, and is not directly related to modern placental mammals.

Uncovered from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of the Inner Mongolia Region, dated approximately 164 million years ago, Castorocauda is the earliest-known mammal that had specialized skeletal and soft-tissue features for swimming and teeth for eating fish. This significant fossil offers the first evidence that some Mesozoic mammals occupied the semi-aquatic niche and that Mesozoic mammals as a whole had a much great ecological diversification than previously thought.

Castorocauda is preserved with a pelt (guard hairs and under furs), making it the most primitive-known mammal to be preserved with hairs. Carbonized in the fossil, the short and dense under-furs were to keep water from the skin; the longer guard hairs are preserved as impressions on the fossil slab. Fossilized furs of this animal provide fresh evidence on phylogenetic evolution of mammalian fur â�" this kind of specialized pelt developed well before the rise of modern mammals. All previously discovered fossils with fur belong to the more derived taxa within the Mammalia or mammalian crown group.

"Its lifestyle was probably very similar to the modern day platypus," said Dr. Zhe-Xi Luo, curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at Carnegie Museum of Natural History. "It probably lived along river or lake banks. It doggy-paddled around, ate aquatic animals and insects, and burrowed tunnels for its nest."

Dr. Luo pointed out that, perfectly shaped for aquatic life, Castorocauda had a broad and scaly tail that propelled it through water just like the modern beaver. Its tail vertebrae are also similar to those of beavers and otters. Because Castorocauda is not related to modern placentals, its adaptation for swimming is a convergent evolution to the modern beaver and modern river otter, both of which are placentals.

Modern semi-aquatic placental mammals (such as beavers and otters), and fully-aquatic placental mammals (such as whales and manatees) did not appear until Eocene to Oligocene (55 - 25 million years ago). By comparison, Castorocauda is at least 164 million year old. So it indicates that primitive docodont mammaliaforms evolved the semi-aquatic swimming independently in the Mesozoic, almost 100 millions years earlier than the Cenozoic placental mammals (beavers, otters, whales and manatees).

Other interesting features of Castorocauda include its teeth and size. Castorocauda developed molars specialized for feeding on small fish and aquatic invertebrates, similar to modern seals or the river otters.

It is also the largest known Jurassic mammaliaform (including mammals).

Most Mesozoic mammals are small (less than 50 grams) and generalized ground-living (terrestrial) mammals. Limited by their small size, and living in the shadow of much larger dinosaurs, most Mesozoic mammals are insectivorous. However, Castorocauda is a significant exception and very different from the typically small and terrestrial Mesozoic mammals. Castorocauda is at least 42.5 cm in body length and more than 6 cm in skull length. Scientists estimate that it weighed about 500 to 800 grams.

"So far, it is the only semi-aquatic mammal from the Jurassic," said Dr. Luo, "and it is also the largest-known Jurassic mammal. Partly because of its larger size, it was possible for Castorocauda to develop fish-eating and swimming adaptations."

The research team was led by Dr. Qiang Ji of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (Beijing, China) and Dr. Zhe-Xi Luo of Carnegie Museum of Natural History (Pittsburgh, USA). The art for the Science Magazine cover was created by Mark A. Klingler, scientific illustrator at Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Their research was supported by funding from the National Science Foundation (USA), National Natural Science Foundation (China), Ministry of Science and Technology (China) (973 project), Ministry of Land Resources (China), National Geographic Society (USA) and Carnegie Museum of Natural History (USA).

Editor's Note: The original news release can be found here.

本文轉自:Carnegie Museum of Natural History




All Signs Point to Evolution

All signs point to evolution

A month ago, two letters appeared in the Tracy Press criticizing evolution and defending intelligent design.

One asked the rhetorical question, “Where’s the proof?” Another suggested that, “It all boils down to what is it that you believe?”

Philosophy comes down to what you believe. Science boils down to empirically verifiable facts and repeatable experiments.

The theory of evolution incorporates two fundamental assumptions. First, populations of plants and animals have changed slowly over time. The second is that the motor behind change is the tendency of plants and animals to randomly mutate, allowing the process of the survival of the fittest to naturally select the best traits.

The idea of intelligent design is shorn of the biblical references that used to be part of “creationism.” There are various versions of this argument, which include all, or part of the following: Earth is 6,000 to 10,000 years old, all species were created suddenly and simultaneously, and a catastrophic flood caused mass extinctions. There is no scientifically verifiable evidence for any of these conclusions. There is only the “default argument” that says, “Anything in nature that cannot be explained must have supernatural causes.”

Proof of evolution can be found throughout the various sciences. One example is in the fossils uncovered in sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock usually results from solidified sediment deposited on river, lake and ocean bottoms over millions of years. When such areas are uplifted, due to geologic action, rivers cut through the rock forming gorges. The walls of those canyons form a kind of timeline, with the oldest deposits near the bottom and the more recent sediment layered above. Fossils found in the lower strata are the ancestors of the creatures found above them. We have numerous sequential fossil records of how various species have developed over time. Two weeks ago, the Chinese announced that they had discovered the oldest ancestor yet of Tyrannosaurus rex. It lived 90 million years before the T. rex of “Jurassic Park” fame, was about a third the size of its descendants and had relatively longer arms. The new specimen joins a dozen others on the fossil road to the final version. The fossil record illustrates the process of evolution.

Another source of proof is the presence of vestigial organs in modern creatures, useless leftovers from a previous era. Whales have finger bones in their fins, indicating that they have evolved from land mammals.

Flightless kiwi birds have vestigial functionless wings. Fetal birds develop and lose teeth before they are hatched. Cave dwelling animals and fish have rudimentary sightless eyes and humans have a useless second stomach (the appendix). Studies of the human genome, which tell us about our genetic design, show that at one time humans were able to synthesize (manufacture) vitamin C. Then we discovered fruit! Snakes have an unutilized gene for legs on their genome. All of these examples demonstrate evolution from earlier creatures that had use for such organs and abilities.

Field biologists, like Charles Darwin, have another take on evolution. Darwin concluded that the Galapagos Islands had at one time been a single land mass. As the oceans rose, the peaks became 19 islands.

Landlocked creatures like the iguana and the land tortoise began to change and adapt to slightly different environmental challenges on the various islands. Darwin noted the differences wrought by natural selection.

Field biologists all over the world have corroborated what Darwin observed 170 years ago. Isolated sea islands have a curious similarity. While many have freshwater lakes, none have freshwater fish. Such islands have no mammals other than bats. They tend to have few species of plants that come in many varieties. The logic of evolution easily explains the unique flora and fauna of isolated ocean islands.

Scientists who study microbiology and insects find other examples of natural selection. Diseases like staphylococcus and tuberculosis have become resistant to our best medicines. Many insects have also developed resistance to modern insecticides. Random mutations have allowed them to adapt to these man-made chemical formulations, many of which never existed previously in nature. Microbes and insects are so numerous and multiply so quickly that they are able to evolve in years instead of millennia.

Lake Nicaragua was, at one time, a body of water like San Francisco Bay. A volcanic eruption closed off the connection to the sea. After years of rainfall the new lake gradually turned from saltwater to fresh. While many sea creatures likely perished, some saltwater fish, including sharks, were able to gradually adapt to become freshwater copies of their sea going cousins a few miles away. This is one more “proof” of evolution.

Some say that we should “teach the controversy.” But there is no controversy among practicing scientists.

Supporters of intelligent design have published no empirical studies based on data. There is no controversy about Zeus launching lightening bolts or about Neptune causing hurricanes. These stories belong in an English class until they can meet the same criteria of other theories found in scientific textbooks.

• Mickey McGuire, a retired high school social studies teacher, is among a select group of local residents rotating their columns in the Saturday Tracy Press.


侏羅紀蝦、蟹活化石 龜山島現蹤

侏羅紀蝦、蟹活化石 龜山島現蹤

【TVBS新聞 】



還有還有,這隻長的跟琵琶一個樣.背後還有人類脊椎紋路,生活在2百公尺海域裡的三齒琵琶蟹,看清楚,這一蝦一蟹,可都是打從侏儸紀時代就存在 的蝦蟹始祖.以前看到的可能都是化石標本,但這兩隻都是活的。海洋大學研究生李冠興:「我蒐集了9年多,這是第一隻活的,你說呢?」記者:「厲害。」




[Feb 18, 2006]




美國喬治華盛頓大學古生物學家James M. Clark和中國科學院古脊椎動物與古人類研究所的徐星等人在新疆準噶爾盆地發現大小兩隻恐龍的化石。牠們全身的骨骼都很完整,頭部有冠狀突起物,加上發現化石的地層有五種顏色,因此將之命名為「五彩冠龍」(Guanglong wucaii)。他們在2002年發現化石,分別將其編號為IVPPV14531和IVPPV14532。他們發現的兩隻恐龍距離很近,比較大的五彩冠龍V14531特徵最明顯,頭部有冠,身長三公尺,死亡的時候是12歲,已經成年,較小的五彩冠龍V14532則是七歲。

他們表示,根據這兩隻恐龍牙齒、頭骨、骨盤的結構,可以確定牠們是新種暴龍。在電影《侏羅紀公園》中,暴龍被描述成侏羅紀最兇猛的肉食恐龍。但實際上,科 學家此前發現的體型巨大的暴龍,大部分生活在八千多萬年前比侏羅紀晚的白堊紀。因此五彩冠龍若不是最古老的暴龍,就是暴龍的始祖。

較大的五彩冠龍V14531頭上的冠長約卅公分,高約十公分,厚僅零點一五公分。這個骨質冠薄且脆弱,因此他們推測它沒有爭鬥等實用功能,很可能是求偶或 識別同類的標志。這一骨質冠與現代許多鳥類頭部的求偶標志非常相似,是鳥類與獸腳目恐龍起源於同一祖先的證據之一。五彩冠龍大概只有三米長,站立起來不到 一米,和白堊紀長十多米、高達四米以上的暴龍完全不能相比。但牠的形貌與暴龍非常相似,擁有強壯的後肢、類似鳥一般的頭部和銳利的牙齒,表明它是一種兇猛 的肉食恐龍。

已知最古老的暴龍是一億三千萬年前的奇異帝龍(Dilong paradoxus),身上還帶有羽毛,為中國和美國古生物學家兩年前宣布發現。這兩隻恐龍的化石看不出來身上有羽毛,但五彩冠龍的近親被認為有羽毛,五彩冠龍可能也有羽毛覆蓋。Clark表示,他們完全沒想到會發現這種有冠的恐龍,這說明早期的暴龍顯然還有很多地方有待發掘。

參與這項研究的紐約美國自然史博物館古生物學家Mark A. Norell說,發現這種古老的暴龍,令人對暴龍這個族群及其祖先的多樣性大開眼界。Norell指出,這兩隻恐龍的骸骨有幾個原始特徵,如前臂短,有三 指。暴龍前臂變得更短,指剩下兩個,前肢幾乎沒什麼功能,而且身材變大,身長為冠龍兩三倍。


Xu, X. et al. A basal tyrannosauroid dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of China. Nature 439, 715-718 (9 February 2006) | doi:10.1038/nature04511

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# I narn hen athannen od: http://www.sciscape.org/news_detail.php?news_id=1993. Ae anírach cened i nern allaew sui i narn hen, aníron sa cenich na Sciscape 科景 :)


智慧設計非科學 禁止在校傳授

智慧設計非科學 禁止在校傳授

CNET新聞專區:綜合外電  23/12/2005


美國聯邦地方法官John Jones的判決,是美國基督教保守派的一大挫敗。該陣營一直要求各級學校傳授所謂的創造論(上帝造人),並在布希總統競選連任時,扮演重要角色。 Jones法官在長達139頁的判決書中寫道:「我們今天的結論是,在公立學校教室中,以演化論之替代學說為名傳授智慧設計(intelligent design)是違憲的。」


智慧設計論指稱,大自然的某些面向太過複雜,不可能是隨機選擇的結果,而是不知名的創造者所為。反對者批評,這只是粗糙掩飾的創造論 – 舊約聖經所述人由上帝創造 – 最高法院已判決公立學校不得傳授此說。



眉批:真是大快人心啊!在相信神創論的人超過 60%,但相信神創論的生物學家只有不到 5% 的美國,這項新判決顯得格外重要... 期待美國的科普教育能因此而更進步〈當然台灣也是... 愈來愈無法忍受一堆不懂演化論,甚至連瞭解都不願意去瞭解的人到處大放厥詞,po些似是而非的文章〉!




Ungomar Óruihaedad Wicipedia Tôg Le No Chîr Óruihaedad

【大成報 記者 張惠清/報導】

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Web 2.0 onna vâl
unauthad en-nath i vâd nan dûr ín. Istiel o hungomar Google i vuia chired a chofn canath erin Imnath ammen, mae-istam eneth gîw Wiki. Óniel vuiad ist-chired vilui ar ovor, ungomar Wiki no ungomar-ilu min iuithorath gerir go-deithad na dírad în ar na noeth în! Gerin peded sa sa genediadod-ungomar-ilu i pen gâr teithad yngelais na-chorthad ar na-lain, ar iuithorath gerir tolthad i mellyn ín ar i nothrim ín methad mach, ar gerir hostad tûr gwaith i ú-ista pen edwen en-gwaith am methad óruihaedad! Na-thand, i eneth wikiwiki o pheth "weekeeweekee", 'no lagor, no lagor', od lam Hawaii. Wiki ilu ortheithad, i anna deithad na-'o-vudad sa-'waith, ar in iuithorath dín gerir cened, onnad, ar prestad deithad Wiki erin dum en-nath.


Ar pithryn i Wiki onnar 'waith pen-innas, annol guru údarlanc an ngobeded 'nin gwaith hen nan ilu Wiki.

維基這個名詞 ,是發自1995年,沃德‧坎寧安(Ward Cunningham)發起,為了方便模式社群的交流創建了全世界第一個w i k i系統──wikiWikiWeb(c2.com/cgi/wiki),並用它建立了波特蘭模式知識庫!

Ward Cunningham peniant i eneth Wiki ned 1995, onnol i ilu Wiki
vinui -- WikiWikiWeb(c2.com/cgi/wiki) vi i amar an ngo-bediad údarlanc gwaith, ar e câr Ngolwathond en-Echad Portland nan ilu Wiki!


Thinking in Sindarin I




creosote bush









numero uno









gôr, gostad

nad affaeg gûr an affaeg rhaw



tanad bem-meren

palath raeg


mint, mithren, tithen

gwanod min

pen 'arel 'ûr chwiniol

danno of faun

rim vain ar veleg vi gwaith


maethad be-pharthad

bedi na-darlanc

rach na nêl rych i thegir


Vinyar Tengwar 48

興致一來,再來一發,順便慶祝我終於收到最新一期的 Vinyar Tengwar 48!

終於給我等到了,感謝老天爺在我收假前收到最新一期的 Vinyar Tengwar 48,都差點沒寄信去 Carl 逼問為什麼去年12月出刊的東西我到今年二月都還沒收到 XD

照慣例這期的 Vinyar Tengwar (或是說托老)仍然比較照顧 Quenya,這次 Quenya 仍然暴增許多新單字,然後 Sindarin 只能是 Quenya 旁邊的附屬品兼例句,就連第三部分的 "Variation D/L in Common Eldarin" 明明是在解釋 Sindarin 的地名 Lhûn,竟然也多半以 Quenya 例句為主... 有趣的是,這幾期也蠻照顧到 Telerin,幾乎每個部分都會有 Telerin 的例句,可惜因為托老幾乎沒用 Telerin 寫過什麼較長的文章,因此這個語言中就還是不能像 Quenya 和 Sindarin 一樣,成為較具實用的人造語言。

這其延續上期 VT47 的主題 "Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings",開始介紹托老繼 "Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals" (HFN) 之後留下的手稿 "Eldarinwe Leperi are Notessi" (ELN, The Elvish Fingers and Numerals),兩篇附錄:"Q. enque 6, minque 11, and yunque 12" 和 "Quenya fractions",最後就是第三部分 "Variation D/L in Common Eldarin"。

Eldarinwe Leperi are Notessi

這次 ELN 對 Sindarin 的貢獻(對不起,我的研究領域比較偏向 Sindarin)主要是祭出了手指頭的 standard/adult name 和 play-name,還有 1~12 的數字:







 standard name


tas, lebdas 



niged, lebig 




tolch, toleg, honeg 

neth, nethig 

niben, gwinig 

在 play-name 方面,精靈的小孩習慣以家人的名字來替手指頭命名,分別是 little father, little mother, little brother, little sister, little baby,如 tolch, toleg 即為 "little brother",包含 Common Eldarin (C.E.) 的指小詞字尾 -ki。此外還有一個字 nobad,原意為拇指和食指組成的 'picker'!

在 1 ~ 12 的數字方面,分別是:er/min, tad, neledh, canad, leben, eneg, odo(g), tolodh, neder, pae, minib, ýneg。

在關於 ELN 的 Editor's Notes 部分,較引起我注意的是幾個 Sindarin 的新單字:如 VT48:18 的 nimp 'small & frail',字源是 NIP,-m- 是一個 nasal infixion;VT48:20 的 ahamar、sammar,和 samarad,前兩個意思是 'neighbour, one who dwells besides',字首因為當初前置元素的母音長音落點不同而有變化:ása + mbar 變成 ahamar,asá + mbar 變成 sammar,而 samarad 則是 dual form (cp. S. nobad 'index and thumb as a pair' and S. Orgaladhad 'Day of the Two Trees'),從中又可抽出一個前置:aha- 或 sa- 'near, besides',都是非常有用的單字 (aha- and sa- are both prefixes, though),另外也討論到 Sindarin 的集合名詞字尾 -ath 的由來,托老曾一度將之與 atta '2' 扯上關係,換言之,-ath 集合名詞的用法其實是雙數詞的引申,然而後來他又改變這個概念:S. -ath is not in fact related to Q atta 2, nor a sign of a dual. It was a collective or later treated as plurals, especially when applied to peoples (L:427)。




突然想要認真地開始寫篇網誌(而不是亂貼東西 orz)





很多東西是社會組出身的我從沒碰過(或是已經還給老師 = =...)






套句以前 SA 教過的術語,現在牽涉到的 stakeholders 太多


身為一個義務役,我其實也可以擺爛,但這不是我的個性 = =










牡丹江 - Sirion Mu-dan


Sirion Mu-dan

#彎成一彎的橋樑 倒映在這湖面上

Cuol ar cuol, gwath i iant hâd erin ael hen
你從那頭瞧這看 月光下一輪美滿

Ring govaded bant nu hilif Ithil, cenich ennas nan had hen
青石板的老街上 你我走過的地方

I 'ondrath galen iaur, i had i radassem trî
那段斑駁的磚牆 如今到底啥模樣

I ram 'ern vi rîn vîn, man e thia si?
到不了的都叫做遠方 回不去的名字叫家鄉

I said i ú-'erir rathad cennir Chaered, eneth i said i ú-'erir etholed nar Mâr

*誰在門外唱那首牡丹江 我聆聽感傷你聲音悠揚

Man linna i lind Sirion Mu-dan of fen? Lestiel, nurnon 'lîr hiriol lîn
風鈴搖晃清脆響 江邊的小村莊午睡般安祥

Ir nell nella nelladel lim, tîn i obel na hirion sui vi lostad adeluial
誰在門外唱那首牡丹江 我腳步輕響走向你身旁

Man linna i lind Sirion Mu-dan of fen? Di-dín bedin na le
思念的光透進窗 銀白色的溫暖灑在兒時的床

Calad rîn hâd trî chenneth, ar laug hilef hennir erin haust e-hén-lu


I Hirion Mu-dan cúa ar cúa, avgabo or chair, háleg, u-aníram le

Gaded Ithil ar raedad 'ilgalad sui miru Bâr an naeradar

I Hirion Mu-dan cúa ar cúa, avdolo na faur, limeg, u-'editham le

Gaded Ithil ar raedad 'ilgalad sui salph Bâr an naernaneth




【中央社 】





