
中古埃及語筆記 Ch.7 -- 形容詞謂語句與名詞謂語句

Notes for Middle Egyptian Ch.7 -- Adjectival and Nominal Sentences

( 轉載請註明出處 XD...... )


1 - 第一人稱

2 - 第二人稱

3 - 第三人稱

m - 陽性

f - 陰性

n - 中性

s - 單數

pl - 複數

Adjectival Sentences

Adjectival predicates

# 中古埃及語的形容詞與名詞謂語句為 nonverbal sentences
# 所有的形容詞謂語句都依照 predicate -- subject 的公式

    e.g. jqr sxr pn          "This plan is excellent"

    e.g. jqr nn n sxrw     "These plans are excellent"

    e.g. nfr Hmt tn         "This woman is beautiful"

# 感嘆句(exclamation)的形容詞謂語句以形容詞的雙數詞 -wj 表示:

    e.g. nfrwj Hmt tn      "This woman is doubly beautiful" = "How beautiful this woman is!"

    * -wj 的 j 有時不會寫出來,但唸法仍照常,見 p.68

# 主格亦可以是一個形容詞或人稱代詞,而代詞必須是 dependent pronouns

    e.g. nfr dSrwt          "The red ones are beautiful"

    e.g. nfrwj nn            "How beautiful this is!"

# 只有第二和第三人稱代詞可以真正成為形容詞謂語句的主格,比較:

    1ms.      jnk nfr         "I am (a) good (one)"

    2ms.      nfr Tw         "You are good"

    2fs.        nfr Tn          "You are good"

    3ms.      nfr sw          "He is good"

    3fs.        nfr sj           "She is good"

    1pl.        jnn nfrw       "We are good (ones)"

    2pl.        nfr Tn          "You are good"

    3pl.        nfr sn           "They are good"

    3n.         nfr st            "It is good," "They are good"

    實際上 1ms. 和 1pl. 是名詞謂語句,並非形容詞謂語句。

Additions to adjectival sentences

# wrt "very" 的用法:

    e.g. StA wrt wAt         "The path is very accessible"

# 比較級的用法:

    e.g. nfr st r xt nbt         "It is good with respect to every thing" = "It is better than anything"

# 埃及人有時會以代詞代替名詞或名詞片語成為形容詞謂語句的主格:

    e.g. r(w)dwj sw jb.j         "It, my heart, is doubly firm" = "How firm is my heart!"

Adjectival sentences of possession

# 一般來說,nisbes 很少使用於形容詞謂語句,但 n(j) 為例外。

# 公式:n(j) A B

    1. 當 A 是 dependent pronoun -> "A belongs to B"

        * 此時第一人稱代詞可以用在形容詞謂語句裡:

            e.g. n(j) wj ra         "I belong to Re"

         * 口語裡,n(j) 和之後的 dependent prounoun 可以連音:

             1s.        n(j) wj = nw(j) = n(j)-w(j)   "I belong"

             3ms.      n(j) sw = nsw = n(j)-sw   "he belongs"

             3fs.        n(j) sj = ns(j) = n(j)-s(j)   "she belongs"



              e.g. n(j)-sw-mnTw         "He belongs to Montu"

    2. 當 A 是 independent pronoun -> "B belongs to A"

            e.g. n(j) ntk hrw         "The day belongs to you" = "The day is yours"

        * n(j) 和之後的 independent pronoun 亦可連音,如 n(j) + ntk > ntk,n(j) + jnk > nnk:

            e.g. ntk nbw              "God belongs to you"

            e.g. nnk pt nnk tA      "The sky is mine, the earth is mine"

    3. 若 A 和 B 都是人名 -> "A belongs to B"

            e.g. n(j)-anx-ptH          "Life belongs to Ptah"(神的名字必須前調以表示尊敬,見p.70)

         * 通常 B 是一個神的名字。這種用法在古王國時期非常常見,但之後就很少看到了。

    4. 其他狀況

        * B 可以是代詞:

            e.g. nnk sw         "He belongs to me"

         * B 也可以是疑問形容詞:

            e.g. n(j)-sw wr      "It belongs to how much?" = "How much is it?"

Nominal Sentences

Nominal predicates

三種公式:A B、A pw、A pw B

1. A B("A is B" 或 "B is A")

    # A 通常是 independent pronoun,此時譯為 "A is B":

       e.g. jnk wHmw jqr         "I am an excellent herald"

    # B 是指示代詞時,譯為 "B is A":

       e.g. dpt m(w)t nn         "This is the taste of death"


       e.g. st nfA nt xnt         "That is a place, one belonging to landing" = "This is a place of landing"

    # A 和 B 原來可以都是名詞或名詞片語,但到了中古埃及語,只有下列條件才會這樣用:

       (1). A 或 B 其中之一是親屬或是 rn "name",因為親屬和 rn 都是 inalienables:

             e.g. mwt.j nwt             "My mother is Nut"

             e.g. rn n (j)t(j).s iwjA    "The name of her father is Yuia"

       (2). A 和 B 擁有共同的名詞片語,稱為 balanced sentence:

             e.g. mkt.t mkt ra         "Your protection is the protection of Re"

             cf. 現代口語阿拉伯語的 beiti beitak   "My house (beit) is your house"

2. A pw("It is A")

    # A 為名詞、名詞片語、或人稱代詞,此時 pw 為中性詞,可譯為各種人稱代詞:

       e.g. zA.j pw         "He is my son"

       e.g. ra pw            "It is Re"

       e.g. Hmt wab pw   "She is a priest's wife"

       e.g. Hwrw pw        "They are miserable ones"

    # A 可以是independent pronoun 或指示代詞:

       e.g. ntf pw         "It is he"

       e.g. pA pw         "It is this"

       e.g. sxtj pw n sxt-HmAt     
"He is a peasant, one belonging to the Wadi Naturn" = "He is a peasant of the Wadi Naturn"

       e.g. tA pw nfr                      "It is a land, a good one" = "It is a good land"

       e.g. Hw pw Hna sjA            "It is Hu, together with Sia" = "They are Hu and Sia"

3. A pw B("B is A" 或 "A is B")

    # 此為中古埃及語對於 A 和 B 同為名詞或名詞片語的正常用法:

       e.g. pXrt pw anx                 "Life is a cycle"

       e.g. snt.f pw tfnt                 "His sister is Tefnut"

       e.g. mnw pw n z(j) nfrw.f     "The monument of a man is his goodness"

       e.g. Xzrw Dwt pw srw         "Officials are dispellers of evil"

* 實際上
A pw 為 A B 的一種,均屬於 "the bipartite pattern",而 A pw B 則是 "the tripartite pattern"

Appendix I -- 名詞謂語句的強調比較

# 注意第三人稱部分的異同:

* 當回答重點放在謂語(i.e. 回答 "Who are you?")

    1s.       jnk HqA         "I am the ruler"

    2ms.    ntk
HqA         "You are the ruler"

    2fs.      ntT HqAt        "You are the ruler"

    3ms.    HqA pw          "He is the ruler"
    3fs.      HqAt pw         "She is the ruler"

    1pl.      jnn HqAw        "We are the rulers"

    2pl.      ntTn HqAw      "You are the rulers"

    3pl.      HqAw pw         "They are the rulers"

* 當回答重點放在主格(i.e. 回答 "Who is the ruler?")

    1s.       jnk HqA         "I am the ruler"

    2ms.    ntk
HqA         "You are the ruler"

    2fs.      ntT HqAt        "You are the ruler"

    3ms.    ntf HqA          "He is the ruler"
    3fs.      nts HqAt        "She is the ruler"

    1pl.      jnn HqAw        "We are the rulers"

    2pl.      ntTn HqAw      "You are the rulers"

    3pl.      ntsn HqAw      "They are the rulers"

* 作者:bellenion(Plwton@gmail.com

     網址:1. http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Neifion/

                2. http://home.kimo.com.tw/michiru_benson/

* 整理自 "Middle Egyptian -- An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs" by James P. Allen

* 轉載請註明出處!

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